The Truth About CBD: Debunking Myths and Misconceptions

Learn the truth about CBD and its origins from a cannabis expert. Discover the difference between hemp-derived and marijuana-derived CBD, and why it's important to choose reputable brands when purchasing CBD products.

The Truth About CBD: Debunking Myths and Misconceptions

As a cannabis expert, I have been asked countless questions about CBD and its origins. One of the most common inquiries is whether CBD comes from marijuana. The answer is yes, but it's not as straightforward as it seems. Let me break it down for you.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

is a compound found in both marijuana and hemp plants.

However, the source of the CBD can vary.


is defined as any part of the cannabis sativa plant that contains no more than 0.3% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the mind-altering substance in marijuana. This means that CBD can be derived from hemp or from plants that are not considered hemp. But here's the important part: regardless of whether CBD is extracted from hemp or marijuana, it remains identical at the molecular level. This means that the therapeutic benefits of full-spectrum CBD are the same, regardless of the plant source. Experts tend to highlight the benefits of choosing whole-plant products whenever possible, whether the entire plant is hemp or marijuana.

This is because research indicates that full-spectrum CBD may offer improved therapeutic benefits compared to CBD isolate products, which only contain the CBD molecule without other cannabinoids or terpenes. It's also worth noting that CBD does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana that produces a psychoactive effect. This means that CBD does not cause a "high" like marijuana does. The most common form of CBD is oil, but it can also be found in other forms such as extracts, vaporized liquids, and oil-based capsules. In recent years, there has been an explosion of CBD-infused products on the market, including food, drinks, and beauty products. However, it's important to be aware that not all CBD products are created equal. A recent study of 84 CBD products purchased online showed that more than a quarter of the products contained less CBD than what was stated on the label.

This highlights the need for consumers to do their research and choose reputable brands when purchasing CBD products. As CBD becomes more well-known, there is increasing awareness that not all CBD products are manufactured the same way, nor are they even necessarily derived from the same type of cannabis plant. While hemp-based CBD oils aim to provide CBD and other cannabinoids or terpenes, hemp seed oil does not contain any CBD. This is an important distinction to understand when considering the difference between hemp-derived CBD and marijuana-derived CBD. Unfortunately, some CBD manufacturers have come under government scrutiny for making wild and indefensible claims about their products. These include claims that CBD is a panacea for cancer or COVID-19, which is simply not true.

As an expert in the field, I urge consumers to be cautious and skeptical of any outlandish claims made by CBD companies. In conclusion, yes, CBD does come from marijuana, but it can also be derived from hemp plants. The source of the CBD does not affect its therapeutic benefits, as it remains identical at the molecular level. When choosing a CBD product, it's important to do your research and choose reputable brands to ensure you are getting a quality product. And remember, while CBD may have many potential benefits, it is not a cure-all for serious illnesses like cancer or COVID-19.

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